- Admission
- Free
- Registration
- If you would like to participate in this event, we recommend you to send an email, titled as "6th Jul. symposium participation", including your name, your affiliation ,If you are a student, please specify whether you are a PhD or Master student and to which university department you belong to. and contact information to "
International Symposium:
"Learning Sounds of Asian Languages"
- Co-
sponsored - Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)16H06319
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (#4903-17H06382)
- NINJAL collaborative research project 'Cross-linguistic Studies of Japanese Prosody and Grammar’
- Date
- 6th Jul. 2019
- Admission
- Free
- Venue
- 21 KOMCEE EAST-K011,
Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo
walk from the station Komaba-todaimae on the Inokashira Line
- Language
- English
- Speakers
- Youngon Choi (Chung-Ang Univ.)
- "Learning Unusual Sound Contrasts with Diachronic Changes: The case for Korean."
- Leher Singh (National Univ. of Singapore)
- "The Acquisition of Lexical Tones in Infancy and Early Childhood."
- Mutsumi Imai (Keio Univ.)
- "The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis: How children bootstrap themselves from multi-sensory mapping to language-specific linguistic systems."
- Henny Yeung (Simon Fraser Univ.)
- "Babytalk is not always WEIRD: Distinct acoustic characteristics of infant- versus adult-directed speech in Lenakel (Austronesian) and English (Indo-European)"
- Hyun Kyung Hwang (Univ. of Tsukuba)
- "Acoustic characteristics of Motherese and early Perceptual development: A case STUDY of Japanese stops."
- Chutamanee Onsuwan (Thammasat Univ.)
- "Phonetic modifications of Thai stops' Voice-Onset-Time, vowel duration, and lexical tones in Infant-Directed Speech"
- Katherine Demuth (Macquarie Univ.)
- "Learning the Tones of Mandarin: Acoustic Evidence from Children with Cochlear Implants"
- Host
- Reiko Mazuka
- Reiko Mazuka