Seminar Series
Toby Mintz
#13 (PDF:304KB) -
Daniel Swingley
#12 (PDF:256KB) -
Naomi Feldman
#11 (PDF:271KB) -
Letitia Naigles
#10 (PDF:377KB) -
Yasuhiro Shirai
#09 (PDF:855KB) -
Katherine Demuth
#08 (PDF:372KB) -
Yasuyo Minagawa
#07 (PDF:387KB) -
Alex (Alejandrina) Cristia
#06 (PDF:372KB) -
Masatoshi Koizumi
#05 (PDF:1.1MB) -
Leher Singh
#04 (PDF:1.2MB) -
Reiko Mazuka
#03 (PDF:614KB) -
Kazuo Okanoya
#02 (PDF:353KB) -
Judit Gervain
#01 (PDF:1.1MB)
Symposium / Workshops
Research Output
Presentations / Lectures
Tsui, R. K. Y., Yamane, N., Boutris, P., Nazzi, T., & Mazuka, R. (November, 2023). [Invited talk] The effect of cultures on infants' joint attention and object processing: Evidence from 12-month-old infants from Japan and France. Seminar at Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center. Online.
Iwamoto, K., Matsui, S., Kitahara, M., & Mazuka, R. (November, 2023). Developmental changes in allophonic realization: Japanese-speaking children's production of fricative and affricate allophones. The 48th Boston University Conference on Language Development Boston, USA.
Mazuka, R. (October, 2023). [Invited lecture] Tools in Intonational Phonology can highlight the nature of prosody in Japanese children with ASD: Dissociating linguistic and para-linguistic aspects of intonation. Department of Linguistics, Maryland University, College Park, MD.
Singh, L. (October, 2023). [Invited Talk] Breaking into Language: Diversity, representations, and limits on generalizability Many Paths to Language (MPaL) 2023. Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Lu, Y., Ishikawa, M., Gohlke, M., de Araujo, E., Boutris, P., Tsuji, S., & Mazuka, R. (October, 2023). Examining the concurrent effect of contingency on word learning in Japanese and French 13-month-olds. Many Paths to Language (MPaL) 2023. Nijmegen, the Neterlands.
阿栄娜, 山根直人, 馬塚れい子. (September, 2023). 日本語母語話者によるモンゴル語の/r/と/l/の知覚 第37回日本音声学会全国大会. 札幌.
馬塚れい子, 仲真紀子. (September, 2023). 「お父さん、あなたも当事者です」妊娠、出産、育児に関わる両性の役割を当事者の概念から再考する. オーガナイズドセッション『インクルーシブ社会実現に向けた認知科学―当事者研究・現象学・予測符号化』(オーガナイザー:熊谷晋一郎, 勝谷紀子), 認知科学会第40回大会. 公立はこだて未来大学.
阿栄娜, 山根直人, & 馬塚れい子. (August, 2023). 母親の話し方が子どもの言語能力に与える影響 日本赤ちゃん学会第23回学術大会
高橋美樹, 福田早苗, 山根直人, 馬塚れい子. (August, 2023). 母子間の内分泌的同期の検討 日本赤ちゃん学会第23回学術大会 豊中市.
Tsui, R. K. Y., Yamane, N., & Mazuka, R. (August, 2023). 12-month-olds’s object processing through various joint attention social cues 日本赤ちゃん学会第23回学術大会 豊中市.
Okuno, A., Cheng, A., Farzana, A., Lai, A., Yip, S., Yeung, H., & Mazuka, R. (August, 2023). こどもの認知・言語発達のオンライン実験の可能性 ―日本・カナダ・アメリカの国際比較研究― 日本赤ちゃん学会第23回学術大会 豊中市.
Nam, M., Choi, Y., Hwang, H. K., & Mazuka, R. (August, 2023). Input distribution of Korean affricates in the context of a diachronic sound change: comparison between IDS and ADS. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023. Praha, Czech.
Mazuka, R., Kondo, A., Saikachi, Y., Takahashi, H., & Kamio, Y. (March, 2023). Linguistic aspects of prosody are intact in high functioning ASD children’s speech: Dissociating linguistic and para-linguistic aspects of intonation Meeting on Language in Autism. Duhram, USA.
Barbir, M., Kono, M., Tatsumi, T., Recht, S., Fujimura, Y., Mazuka, R., & Tsuji, S. (November, 2022). The role of facial cues on infant word learning. Conference presentation at the 47th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, USA.
Rongna, A., Yamane, N., & Mazuka, R. (November, 2022). Not all /r/ and /l/ are difficult to discriminate for Japanese infants: Japanese infants' discrimination of Mongolian /r/ and /l/ 47th Boston University Conference on Language Development. Boston, USA.
Matsui, S., Iwamoto, K., & Mazuka, R. (September, 2022). Development of allophonic realization until adolescence: A production study of the affricate-fricative variation of /z/ among Japanese children. Paper presented at the Interspeech 2022, Incheon, Korea.
Iwamoto, K., Miyazawa, K., Nishikawa, K., Ishihara, H., Asada, M., & Mazuka, R. (July, 2022). An infant-like robot can induce mothers to use infant-directed speech as fully as when speaking to their own infants. XXIII ICIS 2022 Developmental Cascades. Ottawa, Canada.
Mazuka, R., Choi, Y., & Onsuwan, C. (July, 2022). Developmental trajectory of infants? discrimination of stop-contrasts revisited: New data from Korean-, Thai- and Japanese-learning infants. XXIII ICIS 2022 Developmental Cascades. Otawwa, Canada.
Yamane, N., Ohori, A., & Mazuka, R. (July, 2022). Communicative functions of singing to infants: Visual fixation and pupil dilation provide complementary results. XXIII ICIS 2022 Developmental Cascades. Ottawa, Canada.
Barbir, M., Tatsumi, Y., Kono, M., Fujimura, Y., Recht, S., Mazuka, R., & Tsuji, S. (Feb, 2022). The social-communicative function of language and grammar acquisition: A case study of Japanese toddlers' acquisition of particles 12th Budapest Central European University Conference on Cognitive Development. Online.
馬塚れい子. (2022/3). [Invited Talk] 自然言語処理研究が乳幼児の言語発達研究から学べることは何か 言語処理学会第28回年次大会(NLP2022). 浜松市: 言語処理学会.
Mazuka, R. (2022/3). [Invited Talk] Intonational Phonology can shed light on the nature of prosody in Japanese children with ASD: Dissociating linguistic from para-linguistic aspects of intonation. In UCL (Ed.), UCL Psychology and Language Sciences Speech Science Forum. Online.
Nam, M., Choi, Y., Kim, Y., & Mazuka, R. (2021/11). Caregiver phonetic input supports infants' learning of sound categories: The role of voice onset time distribution in natural phonological acquisition. Boston University Conference on Language Development. Online.
Mazuka, R. (2021/11). [Invited Keynote Speech] Taking diversity seriously in language development research: What we can learn from Japanese language acquisition. The 46th annual Boston university conference on language development. Online.
山根 直人, 大堀 綾子, 馬塚 れい子. (2021/6). 歌い手への選好から見る歌いかけのコミュニケーション機能. Paper presented at the 日本赤ちゃん学会第21回学術集会.
Journal Papers / Books
Nam, M., Yamane, N., Hwang, H. K., Onsuwan, C., Choi, Y., & Mazuka, R. (2025). Early Influence of Language Experience in Non-Native Speech Perception: Discrimination of Three-Way Thai Stop Contrasts by Korean and Japanese Infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 78, 102005. Doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2024.102005
Singh, L., Basnight-Brown, D., Cheon, B. K., Garcia, R., Killen, M., & Mazuka, R. (2024). Ethical and epistemic costs of a lack of geographical and cultural diversity in developmental science. Developmental Psychology. doi: 10.1037/dev0001841
Choi, Y., Nam, M., Yamane, N., & Mazuka, R. (2024). Lack of early sensitivity and gradual emergence of native phoneme categories: A pattern from underrepresented language learners. Developmental Science, 27(5), e13422. doi: 10.1111/desc.13422
Nam, M., Choi, Y., Hwang, H. K., & Mazuka, R. (2023). Input distribution of Korean affricates in the context of a diachronic sound change: comparison between IDS and ADS. Proceedings of 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech.
Choi, Y., Nam, M., Yamane, N., & Mazuka, R. (2023). Lack of early sensitivity and gradual emergence of native phoneme categories: A pattern from underrepresented language learners. Developmental Science, e13422. doi: 10.1111/desc.13422
Singh, L., Rajendra, S. J., & Mazuka, R. (2022). Diversity and Representation in Studies of Infant Perceptual Narrowing. Child Development Perspectives, 16(4), 191-199. doi: 10.1111/cdep.12468
Varghese, P., Van Ommen, S., Kalashnikova, M., Mazuka, R., Nazzi, T., & Burnham, D. (2022). Language specificity in cortical tracking of speech rhythm at the mora, syllable, and foot levels. Scientific Report, (2022)2012:13477 doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-17401-x
Iwamoto, K., Kikuchi, H., & Mazuka, R. (2022). Speech Rate Development in Japanese-Speaking Children and Proficiency in Mora-Timed Rhythm. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Iwamoto, K., Kikuchi, H., & Mazuka, R. (2022). Children's speech inaccuracies and developmental change: An elicited production study in 5- to 13-year-old Japanese children Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, 25,67-86. doi: 10.24467/onseikenkyu.25.0_67
Ludusan, B., Cristia, A., Mazuka, R., & Dupoux, E. (2022). How much does prosody help word segmentation? A simulation study on infant-directed speech. Cognition, 219, 104961.
Yamane, N., Sato, Y., Shimura, Y., & Mazuka, R. (2021). Developmental differences in the hemodynamic response to changes in lyrics and melodies by 4- and 12-month-old infants. Cognition, 213. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104711
Takahasi, M., Okanoya, K., & Mazuka, R. (2021). How vocal temporal parameters develop: a comparative study between humans and songbirds, two distantly related vocal learners. Journal of Language Evolution, 6(1), 26-36. doi: 10.1093/jole/lzaa008
Mazuka, R. (2021). A Hybrid Approach to Infant-Directed Speech. In G. Martohardjono & S. Flynn (Eds.), Language in Development: A Crosslinguistic Perspective (pp. 181-202). MA, USA: The MIT Press.
Ludusan, B., Mazuka, R., & Dupoux, E. (2021). Does Infant-Directed Speech help phonetic learning? A machine learning investigation. Cognitive Science. doi: 10.1111/cogs.12946
Iwamoto, K., Kikuchi, H., & Mazuka, R. (2021). Children's speech inaccuracies and developmental change: An elicited production study in 5- to 13-year-old Japanese children Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan (2022/1/31 ed., Vol. 25, pp. 67-86).